Lethal Lit - Out NOW for your earbuds!

Are y’all listening to LETHAL LIT yet? It’s a brand new podcast written by Alex Segura and myself, performed by amazing voice actors, complete with sound effects and INTRIGUE! The first two eps are out now, go forth and subscribe!

The Lit Killer is back! Einhorn’s Epic Productions and iHeartRadio present "Lethal Lit: A Tig Torres Mystery" - a new six-part scripted podcast series. Join teen detective Tig Torres as she investigates the twisted mystery of the infamous Lit Killer murders. But as she gets closer to the truth, the killings, each based on murder scenes from classic literature, begin all over again...with her as the final target.

An Ode to Bmore Into Comics

A few years ago, I was at a convention in Seattle, chatting with another comics pal of mine (Joey Weiser, of Mermin fame!) and we were commiserating over how huge and impersonal conventions have gotten. He mentioned how in Savannah, for their indie comics fest FLUKE they used to just have creators hang out in a bar with their stuff, and people who wanted to see them just showed up there.

It sounded like such a casual, fun atmosphere that I wondered why we couldn't ... try to recreate that? But like, in ALL cities all around, so maybe every few months there'd be a cool local comic show in a bar that you could wander into, meet new creators, and find cool stuff. Free, open to the public, and easy to get to.

In 2014 I contacted a cool, tiny bar in Fells Point (Bad Decisions, which was amazing and sadly no longer exists) and asked if they'd be willing to open up early on a Saturday (noon instead of five) and host six tables of comics creators in their bar. It worked like gangbusters - people stopped in off the street to get a drink and see what was happening and BAM see comics! People no longer had to know about comics or plan to see them and spend a bunch and wait in line - they were just there!

We had so much fun we've kept it going ever since, stretching to 4-5 times a year, venturing to other bars in Baltimore, but mostly making our home at the great Windup Space. Our list of local exhibitors at our shows has grown, we've connected many local comics fans and creators alike, AND started up bi-monthly Drink & Draw's in order to further strengthen the community.

ANYHOO. All this blathering is to say that this amazing, indie comics community in Baltimore (especially dear friends Kata Kane and Jon Eaton, who've helped make Bmore Into Comics what it is today), came out yesterday to throw a fundraiser for my current shitty cancer state, and I couldn't be more humbled by and grateful for their love and friendship. (Not to mention Danielle Corsetto, Jamie Noguchi, Howie Noeldechen, and ALL the people who donated art to the event!)

This indie comics community took off in such a beautiful way, and I really hope it spreads far and wide. Comics creators across the world, get crackin' on starting them in your own towns! You'll meet the best, best people.

Comics forever. <3


Fall Commissions Open!


That's right, I'm opening up commissions for the fall! Since I had to cancel out on going to SPX and ThoughtBubble and New York Comic Con for this year, I wanted to still offer to do commissions to anyone going! (Aaaand since I have a ton of medical bills in my future :/)

I've arranged for friends at the shows to have them available for pickup. OR, if you're not going to any of these shows, I can certainly still mail them to you (I'll just add the price of postage).

And if you're a patron of mine, you get:

  • 10% off for $1 patrons

  • 12% off for $3 patrons

  • 13% off for $5 patrons

  • 20% off for $10 patrons

Shoot me an email to get the party started!

Emerald City THIS Week/Weekend!

Well IT'S TIME, Emerald City Comic Con is THIS Thursday through Sunday! I am still taking commission requests beforehand, though I won't be working on them till the show. So if you'd like one, send me an email (lipstickisspress@gmail.com) and let me know what you want, pencil or ink, and it'll be at the top of my pile while I'm at the show! (You can find commission prices/examples here!) OR you can let me know at the show and I'll let you know my availability!

This year I'm a Guest (wee!) sitting alongside an all-star line-up in Artist Alley at Table I-1

Here are some of the new things I'll have with me - a brand new romance mini-comic called Martial Outlet (available only as a PDF at the moment, but will be in print and on Comixology soon!) and Stucky and Buffy prints.

Hope to see all you Pac/Northerners there! :D

Holiday Sale Time and December Patreon Plans!

Alright alright alright, let's get this SALE PARTY started! This week you can get 15% off any li'l thing you want in my Storenvy or Etsy Shops with the code DECEMBALLS. I also just added a BUNCH of Bonnie originals to my Storenvy store, yippee! 

I'm still working on putting a lot more of them up for sale, but in the meantime if you ever see a Bonnie strip that you're interested in the original of, shoot me an email and I'll check my inventory!

December Patreon Plans

This month I'll be focusing on:

  • My review on brush pens - Pentel v. Kuratake
  • Watercolor commissions process
  • Comic book pitches - each step of the process
  • What I learned from the comics writer's retreat I took with my friends in November
  • Part 2 of Martial Outlet, the sexy comic I did originally for Fresh Romance

As always, $1 patrons will get to see a bit on my process, $3 will get in depth process and a bonus comic, and $10 get all that and a new minicomic/print mailed to them every 3 months! Click here to join in the fun!

Watercolor Portrait Commissions!

I'm going to open up slots for watercolor couple portrait commissions from now until December 10th (in theory to give me enough time to have them done/shippable before the holidays). The portraits are of whatever couple combo you want -  human + human, animal + human, animal + animal! But just two creatures per portrait. 

Here's an example of what they'll look like - featuring me and my monster ginger kitty!

They'll all be original watercolors, 8" x 8" square, $65. I'm going to limit them to 30 slots for now, and I'll open more if I'm feeling confident I can get more done!

To get on the list, send me an email (lipstickisspress@gmail.com) with pictures/names of the couple you choose!

NYCC Commissions and October on Patreon!

That's right, the MOTHER OF ALL CONVENTIONS, the big four day show in the Big Apple is right around the corner! (and always right over my birthday, oy). I'll be at Table P12 in Artist Alley:

Con Commission Prices:

  • Pencil (one figure) - $35
  • Ink (one figure) - $50
  • Pencil (two figures) - $50
  • Ink (two figures) - $75

Patreon patrons get discounts, o' course! $1 Patrons get 10% off, $3 patrons get 12% off, and $10 patrons get 20% off! 

If you're interested, shoot me an email and I'll put you down before things get crazy and I'm all bleary eyed at the convention spilling coffee on everything in my vicinity. ;)

With September coming to a close, that means it's time for my next month of Patreon goodies! Last month focused on posting commission results, lots of daily sketches, and peeks into my script writing and original art prep process.

This month will feature:

  • INKTOBER (ink sketches every day)
  • my own DIY Halloween decorations tutorial
  • Ink wash / water color experiments
  • The start of my werewolf movie reviews!

As always, $1 patrons will get to see the daily sketches, $3 will get the added process posts, and $10 get all that and in depth sneak peeks! Click here to join in the fun!


SPX this weekend!

I'll be at the super amazing Small Press Expo this weekend with a zillion super talented indie comics creators!

You can find me at table W-29 against the far wall:

And here are some of the things I'll have with me!

I'll also be doing commissions at the show, so feel free to come on by and request a little sumpin' sumpin'! Hope to see you all there!

Commissions Open!

That's right, Summer's almost over (haHA Summer, don't let Fall hit cha on yer way out!) so that means Baltimore Comic Con and SPX are right around the corner! And because they're local (and precious) to me, I WILL BE AT BOTH. I hope you will all come visit me, but in the meantime, I've opened up my sign up sheet for commissions! 

  • Pencil (one figure) - $35
  • Ink (one figure) - $50
  • Pencil (two figures) - $50
  • Ink (two figures) - $75

Patreon patrons get discounts, o' course! $1 Patrons get 10% off, $3 patrons get 12% off, and $10 patrons get 20% off! 

If you're interested, shoot me an email and I'll put you down before things get crazy and I'm all bleary eyed at the convention spilling coffee on everything in my vicinity. ;)

The Comfort in Horror - new autobio comic!

Happy Monday! Here's a little autobio comic I made all about going through a crap time in your life and turning to horror movies for comfort. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's done this! Those movies can be downright soothing. It's my little way of sharing my experience going through bullshit and wanting to let you guys out there know that not everyone is having the best time. Social media tends to tell us otherwise, but MOST of us going through the shit don't POST the shit we're going through. I thought it was important to make sure people who ARE going through stuff know that they're definitely not alone. Hi there!

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Helllloooo everyone!

So after 7 years of webcomicking, 1 1/2 years of roller derby, 1 super successful Kickstarter, and 10 issues printed out on my home printer later ... the collected Bonnie N. Collide, Nine to Five Volume 1 is HEEEEERE!

Packed with the first 361 strips of the comic, plus extras on my process AND an 8-page section of pin-ups, all here for your reading pleasure!

Now available as a PDF OR get the dang printed copy itself by clicking here!

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Happy Post Pig-out Day, everyone! Here's some info on sales in my shops this weekend:

ETSY SHOP: Use the coupon codes "CYBERDEAL" and "CYBERSTUFF" for 10% off AND free shipping!

STORENVY SHOP: Use the code CYBERFACE for 20% off!

Society6 SHOP: Free shipping on every order!

Take a peek at some of the fun gift sets and new prints/sketchbooks I just added:

JHU Press Catalog

I'm so excited I finally get to share this with you all!

I had the honor of being asked to do the cover and interior art for the 2016 Johns Hopkins University Press Scholarly Journals Subscription catalog, and it came out looking INCREDIBLE! Working alongside the talented Keli Strickland, she developed characters for each of the groups whose hard work goes in to putting together the journals year after year. My part was to come up with some superhero-esque personifications of each group and blend them with Keli's ideas.

Designing the different poses, outfits, and environments they flew around in was a blast. My biggest challenge was getting the cityscape of Baltimore (because I always DREAD cityscapes) to look seamless with the characters, while also being engaging and not looking like it was a struggle!

Swapping ideas with Keli (herself a comic book/superhero fan) was so much fun and I loved the idea of getting to bring a comicky project out to the academic world.

Not to mention to see THIS! My artwork, blown up all huge and pretty like!!

Here are the rest of the pages. And did you NOTICE that shiny foil treatment on the cover?? MAGIC that Keli worked really hard with the printers to get it looking spectacular!

Thanks so much, JHU Press!

Off Across the Pond!

It's been too long since I've been to Europe (and by too long, I mean three years), so I figured I was overdue. And THIS time, I'm going to Leeds and to THOUGHT BUBBLE, hooray!


Thought Bubble is a comics convention I've long eavesdropped on and wanted to go to, so this year I figured WHAT THE HEY. I've got my first book with a publisher - I'm going to Disneyland!! And for those who don't know me, the UK + clouds + rain is Disneyland to me. So for any/all of my readers in the UK area, please do come out and say helloooo - I'll be at Table 69A in Royal Armouries Hall, with some copies of Part-Time Princesses, Glitter Kiss, AND even some of JAM! which is RARE for me to have along!

Hope to see you all there!

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