I Prefer Awkward

Recently my boyfriend and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary awkward-style: by going to a B&B.

For those of you not in the know, B&B's stand for Bed and Breakfast, and are the perfect culmination of everything you could find terrifying about going on a vacation. That, instead of going to a nice, private, secluded hotel where no one bothers you unless you ask them to, you go to stay with one of your relatives. A relative so distant that you don't know them at all, and you pad around their house and sleep in one of their beds and have them wait on you and serve you breakfast. Any small talk you manage to make is extremely forced, and you can't help but notice that each night they are sleeping under the same roof as you. Shoes must be worn at all times, especially when venturing out of your room (terrifying) in the middle of the night to get a glass of water or (horrors!) use the bathroom. Yes, you are paying to feel uncomfortable in someone else's home.

I've managed to survive many years of B&B's with just this simple mantra: Bring on the awkward. My parents introduced my brother and I to B&B's by throwing us headfirst into a series of them while we were vacationing in Scotland. I was 19, my brother was 22. We were completely foreign to the concept of inviting ourselves over to another family's house and forcing them to make room for us. In Scotland we experienced the full range - from a big B&B complete with unlimited, hotel-esque breakfast ... to the one place you could stay on a tiny island where "my mother's ancestors came from" and based on the icy welcome we received, my brother and I stayed up the whole night waiting to be stabbed. Luckily all the B&B's in between (we were there for a while and my parents liked to jump to a new place every night) were amazing, and the Scots proved to be incredibly warm, generous hosts.

But I digress. Here's why I've come to love B&B's:

  • It's just fun to get away. Yes, even if sometimes it's weird sneaking around someone else's house, it's fun to be a part of that house's history for a blip in time. Most B&B's I prefer are older and creekier, which adds to the fun.
  • I like thinking of them as haunted, as long as they're not actually being haunted. If there are more than a specific number of dolls around (i.e. one) you should probably rethink your stay. Just saying. Wood carved cherubs are okay though.
  • Some of them are suprisingly gorgeous, and worth any amount of time you feel obligated to hang out in the hallway and make small talk with your host. We once stayed at the 1890 Caroline House in Fredericksburg, VA and got our own private suite - complete with a HUGE tub, a fireplace spanning two rooms, and a comfy sitting room. Although, I have to admit, my favorite part was each morning when the hostess brought out a series of elaborate, lovely meals full of food my boyfriend didn't eat. Every time she left the room he'd hiss "TAKE THESE STRAWBERRIES!!", all panicky. Good times.
  • Embracing the local history of the place you're in, even if it's just up the road, is part of the point. And you get to be as cheesy exploring that place as you want - strap on the fanny pack, attach a cell phone to your belt.
  • Chatting with other couples/not making new friends. Remember when you're B&B'ing it, you have permission to not be yourself, and to say things you'd never normally say. "This crepe is divine!" "I can honestly say I love this wicker!" "Where did you find that statue of a boy peeing?" And by all means, be pleasant with the locals/hosts/other guests. Just ... y'know, remember when you get back home you might realize you really don't like talking about golf, and that was the one thing you had in common with that couple.

If I had to stress out about whether or not I'd feel comfortable at a particular B&B or naturally click with the host/ess, I'd never go! And I would've missed out on waking up one fine autumn morning, in the attic bedroom of a large old house, heading downstairs expecting breakfast and encountering instead ... PILES OF DOLLS.

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Small Boob Awards: Sandra Bullock

It's Small Boob Awards time again! It's not every day, but once in a blue moon I come across someone who's on my boob team, and in the spirit of keeping up with Small Boob Solidarity, I like to mention that person on my blog. It's not much in the way of accolades, I know, but I'm sure they appreciate it.

Today's entry - SANDRA BULLOCK!

I'm a Bullock fan. Way back from the days of Speed and While You Were Sleeping, I've been very loyal. I applauded her dark turn in Murder by Numbers. I cringed when I saw her go through The Proposal and All About Steve. I forced my friends to watch The Net with me.

One thing I've never thought about her was that she was on my team. And by "my team" I mean "had boobs of equivalently tiny size as me". Even though this has been a theme of hers in her movies.

"He was a lot like me. Dark hair, flat chest."

Then I was going on an obsessive Craig Ferguson binge the other week and caught some of her hilarious appearances on his show. And almost every time she kept hitting the small boob comments!




So I'm not sure if that's been beaten into her over the years of Hollywood living, but regardless, I'm happy to have her on our team. Congrats, Sandra! Way to class up the joint.

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Kick-Ass Women - The Michelles

I know this was supposed to be a WEEK of Kick-Ass Women, but I've been a little busy this week prepping for Spring Bada Bing, so I think I'm going to turn this into an ongoing series on them instead. Because, let's face it - I will never get tired of talking about them.

The next Kick-Ass Woman is actually THREE women who all impacted my view of what at a kick-ass woman could be. And they all happen to be named Michelle!

No, not Michelle Obama, even though she has charmed the entire country with her guns:

The three Michelles I want to talk about are Pfeiffer, Rodriguez, and Yeoh.

MICHELLE #1: Michelle Pfeiffer

After I saw Tim Burton's Batman, I wanted to be Vicki Vale. I don't know what it was about her I admired so much - the blond hair, the big red lips, the awkward way she handled herself around The Joker? I would draw her face over and over again, I suppose thinking I could transfer some of her power into my own body.  I couldn't see her being surpassed in my mind as a memorable female character in Batmanverse until, of course, Batman Returns rolled around.

Michelle Pfeiffer was amazing as the pitiable, weak "administrative assistant" who, at the beginning of the film, lets people walk all over her. So great, that even when she transforms into the whirligig force that is Catwoman, we don't have to squint too hard to see Selina still in there, calling the shots. Catwoman is incredibly sexy, but she wields her sexiness as an accessory. Her motivation and her appeal is her craziness, her craftiness. (After all, she did whip up her whole black vinyl outfit on her cute little pink sewing machine she had tucked away amid her stuffed animal collection.)

One of my favorite scenes is when Catwoman stops a mugger attacking a woman in a lone alleyway - the stereotypical set-up for a hero to save a damsel in distress. Catwoman instantly recognizes the opportunity for what it is, and DOES save the woman, but she also takes a dig at the woman for letting herself be vulnerable. It's an interesting parallel to her past, having been manipulated and abused at the hands of her boss, Max Shreck. Catwoman abhors the part of herself that was victimized but luckily doesn't use that as a weapon against other victims. She still has her humanity left.


MICHELLE #2: Michelle Rodriguez

I don't pretend to know anything about Michelle other than in her role as Anna Lucia on LOST (Although my 17-year-old cousin thinks the only movies are the Fast & The Furious movies). Anna Lucia was a damaged ex-cop who wound up amongst the unlucky pack of Tailies on the island TV show. Before the island, Anna Lucia had brought vigilante justice down on the guy who had shot her and unwittingly killed her unborn child. As soon as craziness starts happening to her little group on the island, Anna Lucia defaults into protector mode the only way she knows how -- by blurring the lines between necessary force and an excuse to shoot everything that moves. And yet, even though she lost her confidence in herself as a police officer, she's still damn good enough to recognize Goodwin for being the lying murderer that he is.


I really wish they hadn't cut short her character on the show and had allowed her more time to develop. And, I also wish I looked as buff as her in a tank top.

MICHELLE #3: Michelle Yeoh

Michelle Yeoh is the only honest-to-god action star I've mentioned so far. She doesn't just play one onscreen, she IS one. She's in it, doing the action, fighting the fights, falling the falls.

I first saw her alongside Jackie in Supercop, and then in the regrettable Tomorrow Never Dies, playing probably the most competent and bad-ass of the Bond Girls in any of the movies.

But in the graceful, beautiful Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, you get to see how incredible she is in every single scene. LONG, continuous scenes that show you the range of her skills and talent and don't try to hobble it together with cuts and fancy angles.


She's the real deal.

I'll admit it's been several years since I've seen CTHD, so I won't discuss the aspects of that particular character in terms of an action star. Michelle Yeoh is an action star that WAYYY supercedes any single role.

Those are your Michelle's for the day. Anyone else got a Michelle who's particularly bad-ass that they want to bring up?

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Kick-Ass Women - Linda Hamilton

I consider myself to be someone heavily influenced by story. When I read something, I want to believe it. When I watch something, I feel like I still linger in that world a little bit, long after the credits role. And with characters onscreen, there's always a piece or two of them that I want to absorb.

Since I announced that this is Kick-Ass Women Week, I'm going to celebrate just a few of the female characters I consider to have been the most inspirational on me growing up. Why? Because, just like when I watched the male action heroes onscreen, I wanted to fill those shoes for a moment and be them. Without crushing fear, doubt, hesitation, or (let's face it) puny muscles. I wanted to be running, jumping, punching things. Sort of the reverse of Eddie Izzard's desire as a young lad to be an action transvestite. Instead of dressing up in feminine clothes and running around, I wanted to mimic the male counterparts, put on a tank top, show off my guns. Until I finally found some females I could drool over.

Inspiration #1 - LINDA HAMILTON

Linda Hamilton is pretty much the pinnacle of what women interested in female action heroines look up to. Although she only really existed in the form of Sarah Connor in Terminator 1 and 2, and was pretty average in Terminator 1. In Terminator 2, however, she brought it.

Terminator 2 was when Sarah Connor realized, after being tormented by a robot in the first movie, that this shit had gotten real and she was going to have to learn how to defend herself, her son, and her human race. From the MACHINES. So, naturally, she got herself locked up in a mental institution for telling the truth.

Luckily for us, being locked in a mental institution means Sarah gets to do loads and loads of chin-ups. Otherwise known as the bane of my existence when I was 11 and this movie came out. Hang on - women can DO those? And be casual about it?? After the chin-ups, Sarah treats us to some pretty sweet bad-assery as she breaks out of her cell and nearly the whole institution before her son and Arnold Schwarzenegger come along and ruin everything.


So what if she's a little nutty, and it takes her a while to remember that her son is not old enough to be a good soldier yet? Look at those arms and look at the fear she instills in those guards. Later on in the movie she gets some guns and grenades and stuff, but this is where I fell in awe with Linda Hamilton. Just a woman, all by her lonesome, cooking up ways to be prepared for the Robot Apocalypse.

Now, don't you feel like running around barefoot and shoving people who get in your way?

How about you guys? Did Terminator 2 similarly change your life?

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Trips Be Necessary

Sometimes it's so durn hard just to retain a little positivity throughout the day. I let myself get bogged down in the minutiae of the gridlock and mind numbingly dull work conversations to the point where I forget about stuff to look forward to. But luckily . . . that's where random road/plane trips come through to save my outlook.

Last week I got to attend the HOW Interactive Design Conference in San Francisco, one of my favoritest of places. I used to go to San Fran on a yearly basis, thanks to the kickass indie comics show APE, that takes place annually at the airy Concourse Exhibition Center. For four lovely years in a row my friends and I would pack our gear, pick a pink hotel to stay in, and immerse ourselves in the hilly chilly lifestyle of that fair city. Sadly, when APE moved from APE-ril to November, I stopped going and haven't been back since. I also started going to Portland in April, and was forced to make a West Coast choice. I'm sorry San Fran! I'm so sorry!

Anyway. Just being back flooded me with warm snuggly memories. (Despite the fact that the homeless population has gotten a wee bit more aggressive since the last time I was there. Oddly enough, I can now say I haven't been trailed by scary guys in Baltimore as much as I have in SF.) And I'm not sure if it was the uber inspiring conference, the chance to meet up with friends AND family AND meet faces in person (the amazing Adrianne Ambrose), or the major bucks I dropped at H&M (it was RIGHT. ACROSS. THE STREET!!) ... but I've returned home feeling full of things to be happy about.

Thing #1: My new book to read

The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides. I've been a drooling fan of  his since Virgin Suicides, and although I haven't read all of Middlesex yet, I was dying to read this one. Happily, it hasn't disappointed and it successfully kept me entertained through the multiple bumpy plane trips I endured in the last week.

Thing #2: My new way to run

It looks totally silly, and I've already lost my balance AND made my calves super sore by attempting it, but I love the idea of this Once and Future Way to Run. Although, admittedly, my favorite thing about this could be the random Peter Sarsgaard in the video. The world would be a better place if it had some more P.S. Or is this just because I've seen Skeleton Key too much lately, and my logic is all skewed?



Thing #3: My extra hour

That's right, it's mine, that hour. For all the people who complain about winter and the darkness creeping in on them at 5:00 when they're trying to leave work and make it home before the vampires get out ... I say "God, finally!" Fall is engulfing us and winter is right around the corner and everyone is batting down the hatches trying to get ready. Here's to layers, gray mornings, crisp weather, and all the loveliness that is November!

Tried and Truly Obsessed

I've mentioned I'm obsessed with Greek Mythology, right? Well, to celebrate the return of my much neglected webcomic, Gods & Undergrads, on Tuesday, September 27th, I'm posting some pictures of what I recently re-discovered on my last trip home. At one point, I was so nerdy that I drew each of the Greek Gods, taped them to my wall (complete with name tags and icons of their attributes), and organized them into a family tree.

(no, this isn't the last time I would do such a thing - certain college photo projects involving real people as Greek Gods would come later - but I DIGRESS ...)

Tried and Truly Obsessed

I've mentioned I'm obsessed with Greek Mythology, right? Well, to celebrate the return of my much neglected webcomic, Gods & Undergrads, on Tuesday, September 27th, I'm posting some pictures of what I recently re-discovered on my last trip home. At one point, I was so nerdy that I drew each of the Greek Gods, taped them to my wall (complete with name tags and icons of their attributes), and organized them into a family tree.

(no, this isn't the last time I would do such a thing - certain college photo projects involving real people as Greek Gods would come later - but I DIGRESS ...)

Tried and Truly Obsessed

I've mentioned I'm obsessed with Greek Mythology, right? Well, to celebrate the return of my much neglected webcomic, Gods & Undergrads, on Tuesday, September 27th, I'm posting some pictures of what I recently re-discovered on my last trip home. At one point, I was so nerdy that I drew each of the Greek Gods, taped them to my wall (complete with name tags and icons of their attributes), and organized them into a family tree.

(no, this isn't the last time I would do such a thing - certain college photo projects involving real people as Greek Gods would come later - but I DIGRESS ...)

Fog = Paradise

I'm not sure I'll ever learn the proper way to come down off of the high that is vacation. Especially when I've come back from a magical place that contains almost all of the things I desire in a locale: mountains, overcast skies, moody weather, and lots and lots of wine.

But anyway, enough of that. On to BUSINESS!

I've got a convention sneaking up on me (the Baltimore Comic-Con, to be exact) so for the next buncha days I'm going to be once again documenting my table set up ideas. ALSO, I'm going to be braving taking on a craft project - what's that you say? Taking on a new project right before a show? Stupid? Reckless? Why yes, yes it is. So tune in for all the attempts/mishaps/(fingers crossed) successes coming up over the next few days.  In the meantime . . .

Here's the beginnings of my next Horror Heroine print! Can you guess which movie she's from?

Fog = Paradise

I'm not sure I'll ever learn the proper way to come down off of the high that is vacation. Especially when I've come back from a magical place that contains almost all of the things I desire in a locale: mountains, overcast skies, moody weather, and lots and lots of wine.

But anyway, enough of that. On to BUSINESS!

I've got a convention sneaking up on me (the Baltimore Comic-Con, to be exact) so for the next buncha days I'm going to be once again documenting my table set up ideas. ALSO, I'm going to be braving taking on a craft project - what's that you say? Taking on a new project right before a show? Stupid? Reckless? Why yes, yes it is. So tune in for all the attempts/mishaps/(fingers crossed) successes coming up over the next few days.  In the meantime . . .

Here's the beginnings of my next Horror Heroine print! Can you guess which movie she's from?

Royally Obsessed

I don't really know that much about the British royals, except that Diana wore a marshmallow on her wedding day, Charles is a jerk, Camilla is the butt of a lot of jokes, William used to be hot but is now starting to resemble his dad, and though Harry used to be the ugly duckling he's turning into the New Hotness. That's pretty much all I got. BUT since my friend was hosting a 5:00 a.m. Royal Wedding Viewing featuring scones, mimosas, and petit fours, I figured that was worth my time to catch up with the Royal Haps. I have to admit, all I could think about at first was how much it would suck to be in Kate Middleton's shoes. I kept pinpointing all the places where I would trip or faint or vomit along the mile-long runway to the altar. Luckily (or unluckily, since it would've been more interesting if she had screwed up) her performance was flawless and there was no uber-embarrassment afoot. The only embarrassment, really, was the constant overhead shot of the wedding which capitalized on Prince William's emerging bald spot. Harry was the one the camera loved - in every shot sucking up all the attention in his big shoulders and bright red hair. From the safety of our viewing couch, we pegged Harry as the one in the best position ever - no hope of ever having to be the king, just money and girls and goofing off.

Then his girlfriend showed up, looking all boozed up and trashy (and we fell in love with her at first sight too):

And just as we were wondering what happened to Fergie, her daughters showed up as if straight out of Seussical:

It was truly a magical day. We were amazed at how orderly (and quiet!) the British crowds were. The crowd pans were only partly ruined by the camera noticing some drunk girls in giant pink cowboy hats with tiaras printed on them (Americans).

So now here I am back in my unmagical life, sad that I can no longer be a part of the stiff, quiet, elegant, royal hullaballoo. Le sigh. Tonight while I was buying anti-cat urine spray at PetSmart, two old ladies attacked the cashier and told her how much she looked EXACTLY like Kate Middleton. She was pretty, and kind of did, but when she opened her mouth and that deep, Baltimore drawl came out, it ruined the illusion. Back to my daily life indeed.

Back on the Wheels!

Okay, I did it. After 3 months, I put the skates back on Sunday. (Well, if we're being truthful, I put them on Friday and rolled around my kitchen - SHHH.) And you know what - I didn't forget how to skate! It's unbelievable!! True, I was just as unwilling to turn right as I always am, but hey. I skated consistently instead of my default all-eight-wheels-on-the-ground position (which is what I do when I'm scared/tired/exhausted and need to reset). And we went around the 1.3 mile track 4 times - impressive when I think about how when I was training to try out for derby, some days I could barely go around twice. 'Course, I was skating with a friend who just recovered from dislocating her knee and she was keeping up with me fine ... and I ran into another former rollergirl who was whizzing around the track way more times, wearing way less padding ... maybe I shouldn't pat myself on the back too hard.

But - skating! Yay! Something I can still do!

The Secret Fashion Underground

My friend and I hit up the Boutique Warehouse Sale Spring Preview Party last night in Timonium - a sneak peek at what local designers would be releasing for spring. We've only just started dabbling in the Baltimore/DC Fashion Scene, having made previous visits to a Preview Sale in DC (that was a mobhouse, but featured tons of good food and wine) and Baltimore Fashion Week's Runway show (which was painfully awkward and featured Miss Maryland scolding the crowd for not clapping enough). We were tipped off to this party by one of my favorite stores - Doubledutch Boutique, so I knew it was worth checking out. There was champagne at the door, and pizza and teeny cupcakes, and an assortment of racks from various stores in the area - clothes, bath supplies, jewelry, and shoes. I always tend to find these situations a bit overwhelming - not knowing where to look first or what to try on. There were some drool-worthy shoes wayyy out of my price range ($333) and a DKNY skirt I almost talked myself into buying, but didn't ($173). Then I tripped over the curtain that disguised the dressing room area, tearing it down and exposing several women mid-outfit change to all the shoppers ... and figured it was time to leave.

In the end, I bought these cute little shorts from Liza Byrd Boutique:

They'll be perfect for spring/summer (even though it's supposed to snow tomorrow).

Going to these sorts of shopping events just makes me hungry for more -- anyone know where to find the super secret shopping sales in Baltimore? Anyone know the handshake to get in??

Who Was This Person Again?

After over a month of not being on skates, just approaching the world in a bipedal fashion, instead of a rolling one ... I went back to practice on Monday night. *Groan*

Of course, I was dreading it because I didn't feel like having everyone notice that I'd forgotten how to rollerskate and wonder where I'd gone when I left to go throw up in the bathroom. That's the kind of stuff I can put off forever, if need be. But, since I knew I had to start sometime, I figured Monday was as good a time as any. Then I was excited to hear we should bring yoga mats - because to me, that meant possibly up to an hour of yoga after an hour of skating. Yay! Yoga!

But no. Instead, this Monday morphed into what our Speed Skating practices normally look like - an hour of off-skates, killer leg and core exercises and THEN an hour of endurance-based skating. Sigh. I always prefer getting the skating part out of the way before I kill off all of my stabilizing muscles with exercises.

But you know what? I made it through all those off-skates exercises (yay for working out in the off-season!) and survived the 50-lap paceline, and stayed in the game until the 2 hours were up. I kept telling myself I could quit at any moment but then just ... didn't quit. (This is the same tactic I use when jogging - Oh let's just stop at 10 minutes, okay? Alright, 15. Well now you're more than halfway done and it'd be stupid to quit now. Looky! All done!) So now I just have to make it through all this soreness and keep hitting practice after practice, and I should slowwwly return to the person that I once was. Y'know, that person who could do all this without getting as cripplingly sore. What does she look like again?

Inspiration in the A.M.!

Omigod it really works. A couple weeks ago, I tried an experiment: to get up and exercise each morning, pre-work. At least 30 minutes of something, be it jogging or following along with the wonderful Roller Derby exercises here. And you know what? All those crazies were right! I felt happier and more energized throughout the day. I walked through the halls with a spring in my step (okay - maybe a hobble, since jogging makes my hips sore). I woke up less tired and more motivated, and all day I patted myself on the back.

This is just one step towards being a happier Morning Monica. M. M. is the one who shuffles around in a.m. darkness, angrily snapping off overhead lights, grumbling to herself and frowning at her boyfriend and cats. She answers every question with "no". She battles through morning rush-hour traffic and even though her commute is 45 minutes long, still isn't prepared to be friendly to people when they try to say "good morning" to her in the parking lot. The attitude can't be blamed on "let me get my coffee first" - no. Morning Monica is a scary, frightening creature who reacts to everything poorly until at least 9:00.

Next step? To read pretty blogs every morning before getting ready. Not just any blogs, pretty blogs. Like this one, that brings well-lit photos and inspires me to create new outfits every day. Or this one, that makes me think of ways to make my house more morning-friendly. Pretty blogs leave me with nothing but positivity on my way out the door, and so what if traffic still unravels me? I'll have knocked out the morning with an energy boost and by looking at pretty things.

Inspiration in the A.M.!

Omigod it really works. A couple weeks ago, I tried an experiment: to get up and exercise each morning, pre-work. At least 30 minutes of something, be it jogging or following along with the wonderful Roller Derby exercises here. And you know what? All those crazies were right! I felt happier and more energized throughout the day. I walked through the halls with a spring in my step (okay - maybe a hobble, since jogging makes my hips sore). I woke up less tired and more motivated, and all day I patted myself on the back.

This is just one step towards being a happier Morning Monica. M. M. is the one who shuffles around in a.m. darkness, angrily snapping off overhead lights, grumbling to herself and frowning at her boyfriend and cats. She answers every question with "no". She battles through morning rush-hour traffic and even though her commute is 45 minutes long, still isn't prepared to be friendly to people when they try to say "good morning" to her in the parking lot. The attitude can't be blamed on "let me get my coffee first" - no. Morning Monica is a scary, frightening creature who reacts to everything poorly until at least 9:00.

Next step? To read pretty blogs every morning before getting ready. Not just any blogs, pretty blogs. Like this one, that brings well-lit photos and inspires me to create new outfits every day. Or this one, that makes me think of ways to make my house more morning-friendly. Pretty blogs leave me with nothing but positivity on my way out the door, and so what if traffic still unravels me? I'll have knocked out the morning with an energy boost and by looking at pretty things.

Orpheus and The Awkward Foot

I'm a huge fan of Greek Mythology. Somewhere around the age of 11 I got a little obsessed, when we started going over the Pantheon and which god was responsible for which cool attribute. I felt like they were divvying up superpowers. Over the years I've read about it, taken extra college courses about it, and started a comic about it. I still get a little thrill every time I see a reference to it in the real world. (Which, in the Western world, is all the time). So a couple weeks ago, when my family and I set out to Fort McHenry for some good ol' fashioned history-learnin', I was pleasantly surprised to see a giant sculpture on the front lawn of one of my old friends:

Photo grabbed from here:

This particular one is Orpheus, son of Calliope, famed for his mastery of music and poetry (superior to all mankind). I like Orpheus, I don't know much about him except for what he's famous for - his death (beautifully reference in The Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman). So it was funny to see him plunked down in the middle of a historical site, and then even funnier once I read his name - "Orpheus With The Awkward Foot".


Immediately I identified with the sculpture. Not only does it appeal to my greek myth nerdiness, but with the name, and the stance of the figure itself, I instantly formed a connection. Awkwardness is embedded in my daily life. I'm not sure why, but it's there. My limbs are so all over the place, it's hard to keep track. Besides that, I often stand a little pigeon-toed, and on skates it's much much worse (which is not good). I usually only get self-inflicted bruises, from banging my way around through the world. And here is this stunning, majestic, imposing figure, sculpted to signify pride and creativity in our country and its founding .... aaaand he's just a bit awkward.


Orpheus and The Awkward Foot

I'm a huge fan of Greek Mythology. Somewhere around the age of 11 I got a little obsessed, when we started going over the Pantheon and which god was responsible for which cool attribute. I felt like they were divvying up superpowers. Over the years I've read about it, taken extra college courses about it, and started a comic about it. I still get a little thrill every time I see a reference to it in the real world. (Which, in the Western world, is all the time). So a couple weeks ago, when my family and I set out to Fort McHenry for some good ol' fashioned history-learnin', I was pleasantly surprised to see a giant sculpture on the front lawn of one of my old friends:

Photo grabbed from here:

This particular one is Orpheus, son of Calliope, famed for his mastery of music and poetry (superior to all mankind). I like Orpheus, I don't know much about him except for what he's famous for - his death (beautifully reference in The Sandman comics by Neil Gaiman). So it was funny to see him plunked down in the middle of a historical site, and then even funnier once I read his name - "Orpheus With The Awkward Foot".


Immediately I identified with the sculpture. Not only does it appeal to my greek myth nerdiness, but with the name, and the stance of the figure itself, I instantly formed a connection. Awkwardness is embedded in my daily life. I'm not sure why, but it's there. My limbs are so all over the place, it's hard to keep track. Besides that, I often stand a little pigeon-toed, and on skates it's much much worse (which is not good). I usually only get self-inflicted bruises, from banging my way around through the world. And here is this stunning, majestic, imposing figure, sculpted to signify pride and creativity in our country and its founding .... aaaand he's just a bit awkward.
