Happy Post Pig-out Day, everyone! Here's some info on sales in my shops this weekend:

ETSY SHOP: Use the coupon codes "CYBERDEAL" and "CYBERSTUFF" for 10% off AND free shipping!

STORENVY SHOP: Use the code CYBERFACE for 20% off!

Society6 SHOP: Free shipping on every order!

Take a peek at some of the fun gift sets and new prints/sketchbooks I just added:

Yet MORE Goddess Prints

. . . Because you can never have enough drawings of Greek Goddesses, right? Or, like my classmate in college said when I turned in yet ANOTHER Greek Mythology-themed piece - "Typical Gallagher subject matter". ALL THE GODDESSES ALL THE TIME!

You can find all of these Power Ladies in either my Etsy Shop or my Storenvy one!

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Cyber Funday

It's that crazy wacky time for Cyber Monday Sales!

Which means it's the last day to get 20% off everything I've got AND a free sticker, to boot! Can't be beat! Check out the stuff in the store here - I added a whole buncha originals yesterday.

Also, I watched Catching Fire this weekend.

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Fall Prints

I couldn't resist drawing these little guys while I was watching Django last night. Yay Fall!

You can find these for sale as prints in my Etsy Shop or as mugs and prints and tote bags in my Society6 shop. *PSST! If you want FREE SHIPPING and you're not getting a Framed Art Print, Stretched Canvas or Throw Pillow, use this link!*

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Horror Heroine Prints - Set of Four

Yes yes it's almost Halloween! I've printed out my Horror Movie Heroine Series on little 5 x 7 cards, and you can buy the whole set in my Etsy Shop! (and psst - get 15% off through the end of October!)

And check out this post, and this one on my process drawing them.

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Furies Having Fun

A couple of years back I created this drawing of the Three Furies having fun, hanging out Sex & the City style for the back of my 2nd Gods & Undergrads book:

Because really, why do they always have to be so angry and upset? Maybe they like to kick back a few cocktails every now and then too!

So, since I've been itching to do some new prints lately I figured I'd continue with some vignettes of the Furies, out and about in their every day life. I've got two so far, but already have ideas for more in the series. If you like 'em, I've got them for sale in my Etsy and Society 6 shops!

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Three More Gods

As promised, here are the three latest editions to my Greek Gods series!

Hera's always a bit of a tough cookie to interpret. Wife of Zeus, mother of Hephaestus and Ares, perpetual scorned wife. Personally, I like to think of her as a dangerous multi-tasker. Sort of the ultimate conservative, political wife with the no-good but powerful husband. She's always painted (a bit unfairly) as nothing but a vengeful, jealous goddess out to punish every pretty little nymph this side of Olympus. But Hera, she's got her own thing going. She has the whole of Mount Olympus to run!

And now for her kids!

Poor Hephaestus. Judged from the start to be weak and useless, Hephaestus has proven his worth a million times over any other god on Olympus by keeping them stocked in armor and lightning bolts. Dude can make ANYTHING. Which is why, I guess as a reward, Zeus hooked him up with Aphrodite. Way to pay him a backhanded compliment, Zeus.

Because of course, here's who Aphrodite cheats on Hephaestus with ...

His brother Ares! Because what would the goddess of love be without the goddess of war? Ares has got to be the ultimate favorite child of a goddess who's constantly undermined by her husband - big, brash, ridiculously impulsive, destructive. Does it matter that he doesn't really think before he acts?

I can't wait to add more gods and goddesses! Let me know who you guys would like to see next.

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Goddess Transition

In my series of Greek God prints, while slowly adding more gods/goddesses, I decided I also wanted to update my Artemis print.

I always picture Artemis as an athletic redhead with brown skin traipsing through the underbrush. But something about this drawing (which I did years ago) always bugged me - she looked too friendly, her clothes were too bright, I dunno. Not to mention the fact that I suck at drawing shoes.


Here's the updated, broodier, more covert version. I like her much better. Like she's a secret ops goddess of the forest.

If you want to check out these or any of my other prints, check out my Etsy Shop for the latest and greatest. More gods and goddesses coming soon! (probably later today ...)

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Go For the Eyes - now for sale!

Hooray, I've finally gotten my act together and put my latest comic, Go For the Eyes, up for sale in my Etsy shop! I'll soon have it available in my BigCartel shop too, but this at least gets the ball rolling.

I debuted this 24-pager at Stumptown last weekend, and already got some SUPER awesome feedback by people who were kind enough to share their own stories of self-defense with me. For some reason, (even though I've already have made comics talking about my boobs and my experiences as an embarrassing mall model) I felt really nervous about putting this particular story out into the world.

Autobio is always funny that way - sometimes you couldn't care a bit what people read and think about you, and other times you feel a bit twingy about it. I'm super glad I finally wrote this book, as it's been banging around in my head for a long long time, but now that it's out there I'm sure I'll rethink all the ways I could've said more.

How do you all feel about autobio? Love it when it's REEEALLY personal, or prefer it with a touch of distance? What about you autobio writers out there - ever feel more hesitant sometimes than others when putting your work out there?

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Portland for the Weekend!

Have I mentioned that I'll be exhibiting at the Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend?

My two li'l printers are hard at work right now churning out copies of my latest autobio mini-comic GO FOR THE EYES!

It's debuting at Stumptown but I'll have it for sale from my shop when I get back. 24 pages of pure awkward, undiluted self-defense! Can you dig it??

In the meantime, you can preview the comic right here.

I'll be exhibiting at table D-18, alongside the superbly talented Mike DiMotta! We'll be there with loads of smiles (and layers, probably - it's unpredictable Portland, right?) and stuff for you to look at. Come on out and visit!

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Portland for the Weekend!

Have I mentioned that I'll be exhibiting at the Stumptown Comics Fest this weekend?

My two li'l printers are hard at work right now churning out copies of my latest autobio mini-comic GO FOR THE EYES!

It's debuting at Stumptown but I'll have it for sale from my shop when I get back. 24 pages of pure awkward, undiluted self-defense! Can you dig it??

In the meantime, you can preview the comic right here.

I'll be exhibiting at table D-18, alongside the superbly talented Mike DiMotta! We'll be there with loads of smiles (and layers, probably - it's unpredictable Portland, right?) and stuff for you to look at. Come on out and visit!

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Comics vs. Crafts

Yesterday I exhibited at my first craft show, and it was interesting to compare the experience to comic shows (which are normally more my bag). Since I've applied to craft shows before but never been accepted, I was nervous. I wasn't sure the crafters would accept me into their clan.

Luckily, the experience was wonderful! Crafters seem to be just as supportive and excited about each others' work as indie comickers are. Just as shy, too. I mean, I'm used to comic exhibitors practically throwing their necks out just to avoid eye contact and using any excuse to leave the table rather than discuss their own work (and I'm including myself in this group). So it was kind of charming to see crafters with their beautiful, elaborate displays of hand-woven jewelry ... likewise all crouched in a corner, panicked when a customer greeted them.

Here are a few of the things I noticed:

  • Lots of pregnant women with adorable babies strapped to them in various intricate contraptions
  • Maxi dresses in wonderful patterns
  • Lots of supportive comments from visitors, telling me they loved that I was a writer, illustrator, and designer :) (which means now I'm allowed to refer to myself as a triple threat, right? In my mind?)
  • A great variety of jewelry, perfume, wearable things, hangable things, loveable things
  • A MUCH better smell wafting through the place as a whole. Sorry Comic Cons, but crafters have you beat. No longer was there the whiff of B.O. swirling about - instead it was just the sweet aroma of savory soaps and perfumes. Yum.
  • I met Young House Love superstar blogsters John & Sherry, whose mere presence shamed my boyfriend into taking on more home improvement projects. All part of my evil plan!
  • Regrettably, my work sparked this question in a little girl:  "Mommy, what does -" points to my Tiger print "- 'sexy' mean?" My bad, mother of little girl.

I also picked up this little number from Monkey Dog Studio:

As well as checked out some gorgeous stuff from:

After the show, Dennis and I dragged ourselves on over to the Sine Irish Pub. There, we did some pub crawler participant watching (too drunk at stop #1, they were) and I obsessed over the safety of my car in an "Honor Code" parking lot until Dennis put money in the parking lot slot. Has anyone else ever encountered a parking lot, with plenty of empty spaces, on a Sunday, with a big scary sign that tells you you still have to pay something, even though it's Sunday and no one's around? Oh well, it was enough to have me shivering in my britches, so even though everyone we asked told us we didn't have to pay, my honor remains intact.

Peace out, Richmond, that was a wonderful Sunday trip! And I can't wait to go back to Spring Bada Bing!

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Comics vs. Crafts

Yesterday I exhibited at my first craft show, and it was interesting to compare the experience to comic shows (which are normally more my bag). Since I've applied to craft shows before but never been accepted, I was nervous. I wasn't sure the crafters would accept me into their clan.

Luckily, the experience was wonderful! Crafters seem to be just as supportive and excited about each others' work as indie comickers are. Just as shy, too. I mean, I'm used to comic exhibitors practically throwing their necks out just to avoid eye contact and using any excuse to leave the table rather than discuss their own work (and I'm including myself in this group). So it was kind of charming to see crafters with their beautiful, elaborate displays of hand-woven jewelry ... likewise all crouched in a corner, panicked when a customer greeted them.

Here are a few of the things I noticed:

  • Lots of pregnant women with adorable babies strapped to them in various intricate contraptions
  • Maxi dresses in wonderful patterns
  • Lots of supportive comments from visitors, telling me they loved that I was a writer, illustrator, and designer :) (which means now I'm allowed to refer to myself as a triple threat, right? In my mind?)
  • A great variety of jewelry, perfume, wearable things, hangable things, loveable things
  • A MUCH better smell wafting through the place as a whole. Sorry Comic Cons, but crafters have you beat. No longer was there the whiff of B.O. swirling about - instead it was just the sweet aroma of savory soaps and perfumes. Yum.
  • I met Young House Love superstar blogsters John & Sherry, whose mere presence shamed my boyfriend into taking on more home improvement projects. All part of my evil plan!
  • Regrettably, my work sparked this question in a little girl:  "Mommy, what does -" points to my Tiger print "- 'sexy' mean?" My bad, mother of little girl.

I also picked up this little number from Monkey Dog Studio:

As well as checked out some gorgeous stuff from:

After the show, Dennis and I dragged ourselves on over to the Sine Irish Pub. There, we did some pub crawler participant watching (too drunk at stop #1, they were) and I obsessed over the safety of my car in an "Honor Code" parking lot until Dennis put money in the parking lot slot. Has anyone else ever encountered a parking lot, with plenty of empty spaces, on a Sunday, with a big scary sign that tells you you still have to pay something, even though it's Sunday and no one's around? Oh well, it was enough to have me shivering in my britches, so even though everyone we asked told us we didn't have to pay, my honor remains intact.

Peace out, Richmond, that was a wonderful Sunday trip! And I can't wait to go back to Spring Bada Bing!

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Crafty Time!

This weekend I'm super excited to say I'll be exhibiting at my very first craft show! *wooooooo*

Spring Bada Bing in Richmond, Virginia this Sunday, April 15th from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. On the unholiest of Tax Days, why not come out and support some creative crafters and get some yummy food?

I'm prepping for it right now ... I'll have Greek God Cuffs, Hanging Prints, Animal Spirit Guides, mini-comics ... hope to see you all there!

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Animal Spirit Guides

A while back I made some hanging prints called "Spirit Guides", that featured my favorite film/TV characters, like so:

The front lists the character, the back lists the pieces of that character I admire and look to for guidance:


For the next batch, I decided I wanted to do some animal ones, each highlighting a different personality aspect of that particular creature. And since I recently received word back that I'll be exhibiting at the superfun Spring Bada Bing Craft Show in Richmond, VA on April 15th (woo hoo!), I figured it was a good time to get cracking on some new stuff. I'll have the hanging versions of these critters available for sale there. In the meantime, here's a peek at the ones I've started. The finished ones I'll be posting as prints in my Etsy Store as I move along.

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